Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Avoid Disease thru Colon Cleansing

The key to stopping a disease like Dybrosis is to get things back in balance. You need to be able to flush out the bad bacteria and replace the ailing or destroyed bacteria.

The best way to do this is with a complete flush of your system. Start with a clean slate and then put what your body needs back in. This can be done through a colon cleanse. A colon cleansing is a process where supplements or solutions are used to wash out the colon. These can either be taken orally or through a tube that is inserted from the anus into the colon.

Many people debate which of these options are the best. If you are looking for overall health, you want to look at the oral options. While the tube-insertion options will clean out much of the colon, they can't get into the rest of your intestinal tract where some of these bad bacteria could be hiding. Therefore, by taking an oral colon cleanse solution you will start from the top and clean out every inch of your intestines, then the colon and flush all the waste out of your body.
Most colon cleansing programs are not a one-time deal. If you think of all the years that waste has been building up in your body you will understand that it may take a while to get it all cleaned out and back to where it should be. For this reason most colon cleansing programs take a month or two to completely get the job done. Once you start a colon cleanse schedule stick with it and make sure you do it right.
Once you have started your colon cleanse regimen, you need to take a closer look at the things you are putting into your body.

You need to drink plenty of water to help your body in the process of flushing out the waste. There will be plenty to remove and the more liquids you drink the easier this will be on your body.

Try to shift to a more natural diet. The fewer additives and preservatives are in the food you eat the better it is for your digestive health.