Monday, January 29, 2007

Constipation and Chronic Ailments

Constipation and Chronic Ailments

Constipation, according to renowned health expert Dr. Bernard Jensen and many other leaders in the natural health field, is the primary cause of most chronic ailments. When your body is not fully eliminating waste material, that material creates a variety of problems for you. The most obvious is that this material becomes putrefactive, and common sense tells us that anything which is that offensive even to smell probably isn't doing us much good hanging around indefinitely in our bodies!

Constipation also causes less obvious problems, though. When we are "backed up", this puts a strain on all our organs, particularly our organs of cleansing and elimination (liver, kidneys, etc.), which are designed to function as a team, and which rely on the other members of the team to do their job as well. Constipation also creates bacterial imbalances. Many people don't realize that there are GOOD bacteria in our bodies, particularly in our small intestines, which are crucial not only to our immune system but to our full assimilation of the food we eat.

If they are crowded out by bad bacteria caused by prolonged retention of decaying food, especially if it was unhealthful food in the first place, we can experience not only an increase in simple infections (cold & flu, etc.), but get into a vicious cycle of under-assimilation and even worse intestinal problems. Ironically, in the United States, most malnutrition exists among people whoare OVER-fed, and constipation plays a major role in this.

Constipation can also play a significant role in "leaky gut syndrome", a condition in which the walls of the intestine become damaged by this constant onslaught of impaction by bad, decaying food, and this toxic matter re-enters the bloodstream, making us feel totally miserable, and setting us up for an array of severe health problems. While a mild case of leaky gut syndrome is unpleasant but deceptively tolerable, it can easily lead to major problems.

Constipation is generally as easy to avoid as it is troublesome and dangerous. In a later article, we'll go into more detail about prevention, but two primary things to remember are to eat enough fiber and drink enough water. Even our government, which tends to be overly conservative in its recommendations about the amount of nutrients we need, says that we should be consuming 25-30 grams a day of fiber. Most people don't get a third of this amount! We need to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, mostly raw, and eat an assortment of other whole and natural foods, such as beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds. And we can add bulking agents such as psyllium husks. Likewise, most people don't consume the recommended eight 8 oz. glasses of pure water a day; it sounds too simple sometimes, but this is very important for many reasons!

Constipation, of course, is commonly treated with harsh over-the-counter laxatives, which may be the lesser of two evils if those were our only choices, but which tend to irritate the intestinal lining, fail to sweep out some dangerous material, and can become habit-forming. On the other hand, the POOPDOC formula can provide prompt and revitalizing relief without the negative side effects, and can also help correct some of the other problems that accompany constipation, such as the accumulation of the pathogenic bacteria we mentioned earlier. You can FEEL a dramatic difference as your body becomes free to work as God intended!

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