Monday, May 10, 2010

Avoid the Pain and Suffering Caused By Severe Constipation

A diet rich in fiber is known to promote regularity and soften stools. Water will help keep the stool soft and the bowels clean. A lack of physical activity is a known cause of constipation, so be sure to include exercise in your anti-constipation plan. Finally, in order to reduce the chances of a fecal impaction or other blockages (and to remove all feces from the walls of the intestines and colon), be sure to cleanse your colon every few months with an all-natural cleanser to “keep the pipes flowing”.

By taking some very simple precautions and using common sense, you can avoid the pain and suffering caused by severe constipation. While you may still find yourself suffering from the occasional short term constipation, the health risks and pain are far less. Severe constipation can lead to serious health problems such as polyps, so be sure to consult with a health care professional when symptoms occur.