Showing posts with label constipation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label constipation. Show all posts

Monday, June 25, 2012

A Fiber Diet Can Bring Constipation Relief

Suffering from severe constipation? It may be time to convert to a high fiber diet and find constipation relief. Fiber is a very special substance that can pass through the digestion process unchanged. This allows the fiber to maintain water through to the colon where it makes the stool softer and easier to pass. A diet high in fiber is one of the easiest and effective ways to find constipation relief and keep your body constipation free.

High amounts of water are also vital to ensure that your fiber diet brings constipation relief. It isn’t just important because it helps soften the stool and makes bowel movements easier, water is actually a natural purifier for your body and will remove toxins as it passes through the body—even when passing through the colon and intestines. Keeping the bowels as clean as possible will help prevent blockages and the constipation that blockages cause.

Any diet that is rich in fiber will help the body have consistent bowel movements. Plus, by drinking plenty of water (1/2 ounce for every pound of bodyweight), you will keep your stool soft and the bowels cleaned. Every so often, you may still need a colon cleansing to remove any compacted feces or waste that sometimes gets trapped in your bowels. Be certain to choose a colon cleanser that uses only natural ingredients because chemicals can cause unwanted side effects. But, by cleansing your colon and intestines every few months and by maintaining your high fiber diet to avoid constipation, you should have regular bowel movements and no worries!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The constipation and colon cancer connection

There are several types of cancers that affect different parts of the body, a much too common one is colon cancer. Colon cancer is when a malignant tumor is found in the colon. The colon is a major part of the digestive system. The colon makes up the majority of the large intestine, and one of its main functions in the body is that it aids in the absorption of nutrients, minerals and water as well as ridding the body of waste in the form of stool.

When you first experience constipation, it is absolutely imperative that you deal with it and treated. Constipation makes the perfect habitat for bacteria to thrive in the colon. When constipation goes untreated the bacteria takes over in many cases and it may lead to serious diseases such as colon cancer.
All types of cancers develop when something goes wrong with the cells in our body, the way they divide and grow. In a healthy body, the cells divide and grow in an orderly manner. However, when that process loses control, extra unwanted cells can be produced more than the body can handle. These cells can accumulate and form precancerous masses or clumps. When the precancerous cell masses grow along the walls of the colon or rectum area they are referred to as polyps. After a period of time usually consisting of several years, those polyps can become cancerous, resulting in colon cancer.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Drinking water is an effective home remedy for constipation relief

Have you ever thought about how important water is in your body? Been knowledgeable about it can transform your overall health. The simple truth is that drinking water is essential for the body.

If you have been battling constipation lately and are having a hard time finding constipation relief, let’s me tell you that drinking water is your first home remedy for constipation relief to try. Many people do not realize they are not giving their body enough liquids. They think as long as they drink when they are really thirsty, they are doing enough. Once you start to experience thirst, you have already waited too long and your body is crying out for the water it needs.

I have two recommendations for you. The first one is to take a much closer look at how much water you are drinking. Carry a notebook around and see if you are getting 8 glasses of water a day. If not, you need to up your liquid intake to that level. The other recomendation is to realize what kind of liquids you are putting into your body. You should try to avoid caffeine and alcohol as your liquids, for they have the opposite effect, dehydrating you more than you already were.

You will be amazed when noticing the power of drinking enough water on a regular basis especially if you need constipation relief.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Women are more susceptible to suffer from constipation

Whether you are suffering from constipation, you know how frustrating constipation can be. You can keep feeling like you have to go to the bathroom and end up sitting there for a little while, with nothing happening. Finally when something happens, it feels like it is because your body is going to explode from all the waste and it may be painful to clear it out.

Constipation means having irregular and infrequent or difficult evacuation of the bowels; constipation can be a symptom of intestinal obstruction or diverticulitis. A state of the bowels in which the evacuations are infrequent and difficult, or the intestines become filled with hardened feces.

If you are a woman, you are more prone to know all about this at some time in your life. Studies show that about 15 percent of people end up looking for constipation relief in their life, and about 2/3 of those are women. The first reason that women are more likely to be the ones needing constipation relief is just nature.

There are a number of treatments for constipation. However we have to be careful when choosing one since the treatment has to be specific to the cause of constipation. Once the constipation cause is determined you along with your health provider will be able to determine which of the following treatments for constipation will be better suited for your problem.

While constipation is something many people don’t like to talk about, being more open with your constipation issues is vital, especially for women who are more likely to develop this problem.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Cleanse the colon with an oxygen based colon cleansing

When you are ready to begin a health regimen which includes to cleanse the colon, you may be wondering what type of colon cleansing is the best. You may want to choose a colon cleansing method that is more natural in creation and will be milder on your system. Once you start to cleanse the colon, you will be able to get your body back on the schedule it should be on of eliminating waste.

Even though constipation is common, it should not be taken lightly. When experiencing one or a few of the symptoms (swollen abdomen, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea and/or cramps), an appointment with your health provider should be scheduled immediately. If or when you are diagnosed with constipation, you should try to get constipation relief as soon and as safely as possible, as it can result in a much more serious illness if not treated correctly.

The treatments to get relief for constipation range from prescription, over the counter medications to in some more severe cases surgery. Some of the treatments for constipation relief are: dietary bulk fiber, laxatives, enemas, suppositories, daily exercise, biofeedback, colon cleansing and like just mentioned, surgery.

Colon cleansing is a form of therapy used to help remove fecal matter and toxicity from the colon and intestinal tract. Colon cleansing can be in the form of colon hydrotherapy also known as colonic or colonic irrigation. Colon hydrotherapy uses tubes to inject water that is sometimes mixed with herbs or other liquids into the colon via the rectum with the help of specialized equipment.

Colon hydrotherapy is a very effective form of constipation relief, but there are a couple of things you need to be aware of in order for it to be done correctly and safely. Make sure that the equipment used is properly cared for and new, otherwise it can cause an infection and/or possibly damage your bowel. The second is that frequent colon hydrotherapy can lead to dependency, making it impossible to have bowel movements on your own without the help of such products not to mention the expensive.

One type of colon cleansing is an oxygen based colon cleanse. This colon cleanse uses natural substances that once in your intestines do the work you need done. An oxygenating colon cleanse will not only clear out the waste, but will also release oxygen into your system, which has a healing, and energy boosting effect.

Constipation can have negative effects on health

Constipation comes in degrees and it's not surprising that most people experience at least a degree of constipation and don't even realize it, considering that few people get more than a third of the dietary fiber that even our nutritionally conservative government dietary guidelines recommend. Likewise, even fewer people eat a diet high in raw fruits and vegetables, nature's primary way of preventing constipation and the other problems it precipitates.

Constipation can continue to have some negative effect on health and vitality even after people have made some diet and lifestyle improvements. While any improvement in one's diet will have some positive effect, previous years and even decades of poor food choices generally cause chain reactions of negative effects in the body, which don't all disappear quickly just because one's diet improves. For example, stored toxins can interfere, directly and indirectly, with our optimal absorption of new nutrients, including those which the body would use to help rebuild and revitalize the eliminative process, thus making it even harder for the body to eliminate all waste. Even modest dietary improvements alone generally bring some significant constipation relief, and can keep the problem from getting worse, but they often don't completely undo all the effects of thousands of poor food choices.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Constipation Or Diarrhea Are Possible Symptoms Of Colon Build-Up

Have Doctors finally discovered the REAL CAUSE of 90% of ALL Diseases?
What you are about to read can make a very dramatic difference to your health and to the health of the ones you love.

Despite the MILLIONS of medical professionals, the most SOPHISTICATED MEDICAL EQUIPMENT, the most advanced hospitals, people TODAY experience MORE DISEASES than ever.

Despite all the MEDICAL breakthroughs, the rate of cancer, diabetes and even alzheimers and MANY other diseases are ON THE RISE.
It is UNDENIABLE that preventing disease is always much better (and much less expensive) than treating them.

Our colon, for example, is basically a sewage processing system of the body and if not properly maintained, it's going to malfunction or clog just like ANY OTHER sewage system would. Thus internal cleansing must become, for most of us, goal #1. An internally clean well-functioning body means a strong immune system, self-reliant in coping with billions of microorganisms that cause endless diseases; and, of course, internally clean is obtainable by regularly cleansing your body of poisons, toxins, harmful bacteria, and parasites. Cleansing these out of your system and not interfering with the body's process of self-healing is frequently the ONLY way to go.

The following are some of the possible symptoms of colon build-up and toxins in the body:
* Constipation or diarrhea
* Chronic yeast infection
* Chronic fungus on hand/toe nails or nails became brittle or lost their luster.
* Acne, skin disorders, or skin dry or pale
* Being easily prone to diseases
* Chronic urinary tract irritation/infections
* Allergies
* Gas, bloating, flatulence

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Are You Getting Ready To Try The New HCG Diet?

Are you getting ready to try the new HCG diet? Perhaps you have heard great things about this diet and how people who had not been able to lose weight before see the pounds fall away. Well, before you start any diet you should make sure to do your research. Do you know how the HCG diet works? If not, We're about to tell you.

>> You have to find the perfect diet for you. What worked for your best friend may not work for you simple because you have different tastes and different eating habits. If you get the right one, you can lose and keep it off as long as you are committed for the long haul.

Essentially, HCG is a version of the female pregnancy hormone. In the early stages of pregnancy, the body goes through a number of changes preparing to sustain a new life inside of it. One of these changes is that the body will begin to release fat stores that it has been holding on to, in order to feed and sustain the new life that is growing inside of it. This is how HCG diet is being used to aid in weight loss. It convinces the body to let go of some of that fat that it wants to hold onto.

The process of using HCG is simple enough. You get an injection and it kicks those hormonal reactions that help you lose weight into effect. But there are some HCG diet side effects like constipation.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Constipation Relief - Drinking Water, Eating Fiber Foods And Exercising

>> Eating healthy and exercising starts with educating yourself about what is required for good diet and effective workouts. Most of your caloric intake should come from vegetables and fruits. You should also eat a lot of whole grains. Eat less protein and stress lean proteins such as chicken and fish. Eat very little processed food and stay away from fatty and sugar-filled snacks.

Constipation is a common side effect from the HCG diet. The number of people that get constipation from the HCG diet is quite high. It is a side effect of the hormone that is being put in your body to help you lose weight. But that doesn't mean you have to suffer from the HCG diet causing constipation. Instead, you just need to know how to battle the constipation.

The first thing you can do is to make sure you are drinking enough water. The recommendation of 2 liters of water a day is an easy constipation relief.

Next, make sure you exercise on a regular schedule. This is a constipation remedy that keeps your body in tiptop performance and less likely to slow down the waste moving through the system.

Third, make sure your diet as limited as it is, is high in fiber. Fiber is a great remedy for constipation relief. The more fiber you are taking in, the less likely waste is to get back up in your system.

Finally, you may want to consider regularly getting a colon cleanse or irrigation. This is a great constipation remedy that can flush out the colon and stop you from getting constipation from the HCG diet.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Aloe Vera Can Successfully Prevent and Ease Constipation

The good thing is that more and more researchers are finding novel ways to treat constipation. They are going back to basics, back to when our ancestors had no knowledge of laxatives and used herbal medicines for a variety of illnesses.

Aloe vera is one such herb that is now being re-entered into the world of medicine not only for its effectiveness in treating constipation but for its other health benefits as well.

Aloe vera is mainly popular for its potency as relief for cuts, burns and other skin diseases. But it is now gaining more popularity since studies have shown that it can successfully prevent and ease constipation.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Is A Laxative Or Karo Syrup Better For Constipation Symptoms?

Most of us don’t have the time to be slowed down by the irritation and discomfort caused by constipation. Infrequent or non-existent bowel movements, pain while passing stool which may be hard and dry, abdominal or back pain, and nausea are all possible symptoms of constipation. But all too often, people tend think that laxatives are the cure-all for any and all constipation symptoms. The problem with using laxatives to relieve constipation symptoms is that they can be habit forming, use stimulants as active ingredients, and lead to dehydration and further constipation.

In addition to the concerns listed above, the use of laxatives can also kill friendly bacteria that reside in your colon and bowels. These friendly bacteria help prevent feces and other toxins from attaching to the side walls of the colon and bowels. When too much waste becomes attached, the potential for a blockage increases. Blockages can lead to more severe constipation and ultimately cause bacteria and toxins to be flooded through your bloodstream when they are not vacated from the body during a normal bowel movement.

A dependence upon laxatives will eventually cause the colon itself to cease functioning unless laxatives are present. This is because the stimulants present in most laxatives available on the market today can actually lead to nerve damage in the colon to the point that it can no longer effectively push waste through the digestive tract on its own. When this point has been reached, laxatives are basically essential to the digestive process, but hardly natural or the preferred catalyst for a bowel movement.

Karo syrup, on the other hand, is a more natural way to cope with constipation and it most certainly is not habit forming like laxatives can be. Karo syrup is effective on constipation because it stimulates movement in the intestines. This helps get the entire digestive tract moving and makes it easier to have a bowel movement. Plus, since karo syrup is essentially little more than sugar water, it also will draw moisture into the digestive tract and thus soften stool.

The one drawback about using karo syrup for constipation is that it is not as fast at relieving symptoms as a laxative nor will it be effective in more severe cases. However, for a natural solution to your constipation problems that is non-habit forming and will not weaken the muscles in your colon to the point that it no longer functions properly on its own (caused by laxatives), karo syrup is definitely preferred to the use of a laxative.

However, while karo syrup and laxatives will indeed relieve temporary constipation, a thorough flushing of the entire digestive tract is sometimes a good idea. Removing compacted feces and waste from the walls of the digestive tract will reduce chances of a blockage forming and contribute to better overall functioning of the entire system. Using a colon cleanser should prove effective but be sure to find one with all-natural ingredients as those made with harsh chemicals or synthesized ingredients tend to cause complications such as dehydration, a known cause of constipation.