Showing posts with label cleanse the colon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cleanse the colon. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Optimum Colon Health - Cleanse Your Colon

   What Would Your Mother Say?

   She would say she wants you to Feel Good Again!

   Going on vacation? DAILY COMMUTE maybe too Much? Traveling many times brings on a degree of constipation. Tough day on the road?

Feeling sluggish?
Headaches ?
Depression ?
Breath horrible ?
Just feel bad ? 

   Over and over I read testimonials by email, phone, books, articles or in person how incredible the results of cleansing especially the colon. Whether it's Cleansing or just constipation relief, a product called PoopDoc is rated the highest by consumers. Added to a guaranteed for 1 full year no questions asked is a consistent, proven track record by all races and genders of people INCLUDING Doctors.

   When keeping a focus on optimum colon health, Dr. Richard Schulze stated that close to 80% of ALL diseases disappeared after his patients cleansed their colon. These kinds of statements have been heard for decades - this didn’t just start “last week”.

   "Keeping your Bowel clean is the single - most important thing that you can do for your health!" said Dr. Bernard Jensen who taught and counseled the importance of keeping your colon working right to more than 350,000 people over 70 years. 

   The British Royal Society of Medicine article warns 'let it (your colon) stagnate and... every organ of the body is poisoned...!'

   Did you ever ask yourself WHY you feel So Good after a good bowel movement? Maybe Nature and God was trying to tell you something?? This is a (good thing!!).

There's no feeling like FEELING GOOD! 

   It's always time for spring cleaning and in most parts of the country, many women (and men) spend Millions if not Billions on creams and lotions to make their skin look younger, radiant and to just look plain beautiful! But what are they missing? The REAL Secret = Cleanse the colon.

   Healthy Colon = Beautiful Skin. The colon has a direct connection with your complexion. After doing this for so many years, many times I can tell when a person has constipation problems just by looking at their face. Moving the bowels daily, enough fiber in the diet, probiotics and at least 2 quarts of water a day makes an astronomical difference in health. 

   Add exercise and a great diet (juicing!) and you'll be ready for Miss or Mrs. America! GUARANTEED COMPLIMENTS on how beautiful you look. Your face is a mirror of whats going on within. Talk about Radiant Skin!
   Cleanse the colon (flush, break up impaction, move your bowels 2-6 times a day for 3 days) and more happens besides a radiant glow in your complexion. Digestion vastly improves, energy goes up, breath improves dramatically and the list goes on. Can you say you have done one? or is this “health treat” and over-all feeling of well being a present you not only will start for yourself but maybe even give away to somebody you love.        

Feel good, look good and do good! Life can be very good

Friday, April 20, 2012

Home remedies for colon cleansing are very effective

Home remedies for colon cleansing are very effective. They help keeping the colon clean. But I must say that the best remedy for colon cleansing is your diet. By eating an overall better diet that is less likely to cause waste to build up.

1. Supplements

One home remedy for colon cleansing can come in the form of supplements that you add to your diet. Supplements like aloe extract and ginger can help your body naturally cleanse the colon and act as a lubricant that keeps the colon clean.

2. Colon cleansing products

In addition to a home remedy for colon cleansing, you may want to also take advantage of some of the more professional colon cleansing products out there. Many of these come in capsule form and are taken orally. This means they will work their way completely through your body and clear out all the waste and junk that has packed up on the walls of your intestines.

When thinking of purchasing colon cleansing products, you should also look for added benefits. An oxygen based colon cleansing will not only clear out the waste, but will also release oxygen into your system which has a healing and energy boosting effect.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Cleanse the colon with an oxygen based colon cleansing

When you are ready to begin a health regimen which includes to cleanse the colon, you may be wondering what type of colon cleansing is the best. You may want to choose a colon cleansing method that is more natural in creation and will be milder on your system. Once you start to cleanse the colon, you will be able to get your body back on the schedule it should be on of eliminating waste.

Even though constipation is common, it should not be taken lightly. When experiencing one or a few of the symptoms (swollen abdomen, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea and/or cramps), an appointment with your health provider should be scheduled immediately. If or when you are diagnosed with constipation, you should try to get constipation relief as soon and as safely as possible, as it can result in a much more serious illness if not treated correctly.

The treatments to get relief for constipation range from prescription, over the counter medications to in some more severe cases surgery. Some of the treatments for constipation relief are: dietary bulk fiber, laxatives, enemas, suppositories, daily exercise, biofeedback, colon cleansing and like just mentioned, surgery.

Colon cleansing is a form of therapy used to help remove fecal matter and toxicity from the colon and intestinal tract. Colon cleansing can be in the form of colon hydrotherapy also known as colonic or colonic irrigation. Colon hydrotherapy uses tubes to inject water that is sometimes mixed with herbs or other liquids into the colon via the rectum with the help of specialized equipment.

Colon hydrotherapy is a very effective form of constipation relief, but there are a couple of things you need to be aware of in order for it to be done correctly and safely. Make sure that the equipment used is properly cared for and new, otherwise it can cause an infection and/or possibly damage your bowel. The second is that frequent colon hydrotherapy can lead to dependency, making it impossible to have bowel movements on your own without the help of such products not to mention the expensive.

One type of colon cleansing is an oxygen based colon cleanse. This colon cleanse uses natural substances that once in your intestines do the work you need done. An oxygenating colon cleanse will not only clear out the waste, but will also release oxygen into your system, which has a healing, and energy boosting effect.