Showing posts with label constipation colon cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label constipation colon cancer. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The constipation and colon cancer connection

There are several types of cancers that affect different parts of the body, a much too common one is colon cancer. Colon cancer is when a malignant tumor is found in the colon. The colon is a major part of the digestive system. The colon makes up the majority of the large intestine, and one of its main functions in the body is that it aids in the absorption of nutrients, minerals and water as well as ridding the body of waste in the form of stool.

When you first experience constipation, it is absolutely imperative that you deal with it and treated. Constipation makes the perfect habitat for bacteria to thrive in the colon. When constipation goes untreated the bacteria takes over in many cases and it may lead to serious diseases such as colon cancer.
All types of cancers develop when something goes wrong with the cells in our body, the way they divide and grow. In a healthy body, the cells divide and grow in an orderly manner. However, when that process loses control, extra unwanted cells can be produced more than the body can handle. These cells can accumulate and form precancerous masses or clumps. When the precancerous cell masses grow along the walls of the colon or rectum area they are referred to as polyps. After a period of time usually consisting of several years, those polyps can become cancerous, resulting in colon cancer.