One of the biggest mistakes people make is to under hydrate. When you are going through a Colon Cleansing, there is not much more important than making sure to drink plenty of water. Your body will need as much help as it can get to keep moving those toxins out of your system as the pieces of waste are broken off of the walls of your colon. If you don't properly hydrate the Colon Cleansing may do it's job of breaking the waste off of your colon, but you haven't given it any help in removing that waste from your body for good.
Before you take any Colon Cleansing therapy, make sure to read the instructions. Since Colon Cleansing comes in capsule form these days, many people think they can just pop a few pills and let them do the work. This is not true. Many come with instructions on eating schedules, when to take the capsules, and what to watch for to make sure the process is going properly and you are getting the best possible results from the product at hand. Follow the instructions to the letter to get the best results, with the fewest side effects.
While these days getting a Colon Cleanse is just as simple as taking any sort of vitamin supplement, that doesn't mean you should treat it that way. This is still a big deal to your body and one you need to take seriously and respect.