Treating Your Chronic Constipation
The symptoms of chronic constipation vary and may include any or all of the following: going four or more days without bowel movement; difficulty having bowel movements, sometimes to the point of pain or discomfort; hardened stool; and in some cases, severe abdominal pain and stomach cramping. No matter what may be causing the chronic constipation, the fact remains that extended periods without a bowel movement are harmful to your body. Human waste is filled with toxins and harmful bacteria that need to be eliminated from the body with normal bowel movements. Chronic periods of constipation lead to these toxins and harmful bacteria being reabsorbed into the blood stream.
Without treatment, chronic constipation will eventually lead to septicemia and ultimately death. The mere presence of chronic periods of constipation is potential evidence of a larger health issue, such as colon cancer or perhaps even polyps which will develop into tumors given enough time. Therefore, treating chronic constipation needs to be made a medical priority because the long term consequences to your health may be disastrous if left untreated.
Treating chronic constipation is complicated by the fact that it can be caused by a number of factors. The presence of severe or acute abdominal pains along with constipation may be an indication of a blockage in your digestive tract. Unless this blockage is removed, waste will continue to back up and bacteria will rage throughout your body. In such cases, treatment will probably include a colon cleansing to remove the blockage and get the system flowing smoothly again. Colon cleansers made from all-natural products are recommended over those made with harsh chemicals which may kill good bacteria living within the digestive tract.
More often than not, however, chronic constipation is the result of a chronically poor diet, lack of physical exercise, and inadequate intake of fluids. Bottom line: long-term treatment of constipation almost always includes adding fiber to your diet, increasing fluid intake, and reducing intake of foods that are known to cause constipation.
Foods to eat for chronic constipation include fruits and vegetables that are rich in fiber. Cereals, prunes, plums, grapes, apricots, spinach, turnip greens, and corn are all foods high in fiber and sure to be a great addition to any diet aimed at curbing chronic constipation and providing long-term relief. Be sure to increase fluid intake to at least ½ ounce of water for every pound of body weight—more fluids means softer stool!
Finally, be sure to decrease intake of foods that are known sources of constipation such as dairy products (more than 12 oz. per day). Plus, avoiding liquids that will dehydrate you such as alcohol and caffeine will also help keep constipation at bay. It is also a good idea to clean out your digestive tract every three months using a good, all-natural Oxygen-rich colon cleanser such as PoopDoc.